Mirai Nikki – 01-08

Hinata's Panty

This will draw you in to read this 1300-word post.

I’m glad to be alive and watch this anime. I’ve thought Code Geass would be the last great anime I’d see before I die, but turns out that won’t be the case.

Red Eye Tearing Blood

Yuki? I don't know who this guy/girl is, but it's cool.

Mirai Nikki – Future Diary – is an outstanding series! The concept behind having a diary predict your future is just… amazing. It has never crossed my mind the possibilities for a great concept like this. Mirai Nikki has exceeded my expectations, and it isn’t stopping, not after having watched episode eight.

The prominent Mirai Nikki has two strong points. First, being the plot, together with its concept. The second being the characters and how they are being humanized and realistic. Basically, how I see this show, I can confidently say, “FUCK ART. FUCK ANIMATION.” Why so? The plot and the characters are like the insides and the only thing you would need to watch this show. The art is just a plus, only an extra to give out and feel the intense of everything.

To keep things brief as a summary for the impressions in the first episode to the seventh, the connection between all these characters and the miracles caused by the infamous First is all stupendous. Whatever I may say to the anime as a whole or to anyone in this show, I think it’s an understatement. The show was made to be really mindfucking, and that’s not something most manga would do to make itself entertaining. What this show never fails is to keep the pacing up and strong. It has showed its potential in the first episode, and not once has it let me down. But episode 8 changed everything. The limitation for my astonishment, my appearance to keep calm when watching a show alone, Mirai Nikki broke it all off as the current last episode ended, leaving me an eerie smile of what’s next and mashing up everything I’m thinking. Last time it occurred was when there were only comedy elements that were undoubtedly laughable, but Mirai Nikki’s the first anime to make me feel the same way with a completely different, grave-filled atmosphere with a free addition of making my brain a rollercoaster. This anime is definitely a recommend from me! Slashing out all the action-adventure shounen manga, Mirai Nikki would easily win and garner everything it should as it only contains twists after twists and truth beyond the truth.

Episode eight was great to actually make some summary to this story at the beginning of the show and in fact, adding a twist with it. As only eight Future Diary Users have survived, the dead are Third (the serial killer), Fifth (the smart elite-wannabe kid), Sixth (the retarded bitch who was raped a million times as she deserved), and Twelfth (the fucktard blind man). We are also left with four unidentified Diary Users, and the other known being First (infamous and most wanted in the world of Diary Users), Second (the craziest yandere I’ve seen in years), Fourth (the police detective), and Ninth (the one-eyed crazy bomber). The unknown are Seventh, Eighth, Tenth, and Eleventh. The chances with all these 8 Diary Users to make a very grand ending is undoubtedly strong. But no, it doesn’t end there. An old-looking man is going to pass on his chosen Diary powers to a third-party. And the story in the 8th episode unfolds.

Yuno Looking at the Lost Yuki

This one's dramatic. <3

Yuki and Yuno are now in a new school. However, Yuki gets mixed up in Kousaka’s bad business and crap. As Kousaka starts to make a fuss, Yuki meets two new classmates, Hinata and Mao. They are the seemingly friendly and kind classmates.

The four of them plan to go to the park to investigate the crime scenes, but as things go on, Yuno is also involved as, well – you know Yuki and Yuno. While the four of them have the fun of their life, Yuno is away from them, hoping something would happen for them to die. The Yuno we all know has never changed and may have, in fact, gotten worse, but at least this makes it easier to see whether the Yuno we all knew would change in the later parts of the story. As Hinata tries to have fun ahead of them, she gets involved in a tragic incident. The four go look for her and later find her separated arm. While all of them are left astonished at both facts, her losing consciousness (she doesn’t look dead from afar) and the dogs with creepy, noisy, modified mouths. Unexpectedly, Akise Aru appears out of nowhere. Interestingly, Aru seems to have taken a liking to Yuki, who was explained that he knows very well how he’s involved at all the recent incidents. They went off to the observation deck, and that’s where everything was up to the choices of Yuki and all ended up in sad revelations.

Yuki was given a choice to whether reveal the fact that he has a future-predicting diary by helping them block off the entrances or by following Yuno’s thoughts to use everyone as bait. How things turn out were all because of the fact how Yuki has become obsessed with friendship, and so, he picks a bad choice to do so by keeping themselves safe. The dogs got tired and eventually left, but even so, that was the beginning of everything. The suspicious Aru makes a point to say that he’s surprised to know that he has a cellphone that can predict the future. After that very heart-lightening event, Mao approaches Yuki, and later did we all know that he used Yuki as a hostage and took his diary away from him. And the most unexpected appearance of all was Hinata. She appears in a very cool manner, keeping everything under control that even Yuno won’t move. As the surprises don’t end, she is a Future Diary User, and so is Akise Aru, who owns a diary that is worth being targeted by another.

The turnabout of the events were quite surprising. I feel sorry for Kousaka, but hey, that’s that. He deserves getting involved in this situation once more. But I feel worse for Yuki. He was betrayed once, and he gets betrayed twice. In fact, I think I’m out of count right now. With the mind and perspective of Yuki being that of a socially inept person, I guess he can’t balance his decision well and can’t think what to follow, his heart or his mind. His heart takes over with strong emotions in the moment where he finally thinks that he has gained some friends. But even so, I can’t blame him. In fact, it’s all confusing if he followed Yuno’s orders to actually leave them behind. If that were so, what were the objectives of the dogs? To attack and/or kill who? I mean, Mao’s there. There’s a high possibility that she’d get involved in the fight and die because of it. But then again, there’s a much bigger space of probability for Aru being the only target. Still, it can’t hurt to kill them to just attain Aru’s diary. The weighing of these choices is still hard, and I can’t blame Yuki for any of his actions even if we disregard his emotions and start thinking logically. However, there’s a huge IF in here. What if Yuno used her diary?

Ah, Akise Aru. Wow, the dying hunger for knowledge of what’s his diary is uncontrollable. With everything being so fast and keeping its cool at the same time, I simply can’t wait for them to reveal it. After having these dark thoughts of the four Future Diary Users gathered at such an untimely event, who wouldn’t want to get to see the next piece of puzzle?

Akise Aru

Akise Aru's just cool for having the red eyes (thought a bit pinkish, but who cares), the white/silver hair, and the pale white skin I've always wanted.

4 thoughts on “Mirai Nikki – 01-08

  1. Good summary.

    Perhaps the dichotomy is better suited as one between practical and idealist: it is practical to save your life by only outrunning your friend, but ideally you should save everyone.

    Yuno was practical and right — a running theme in the series. Her tactics were correct in episode 1. In episode 4 she was right about Ninth, that Yuki should’ve chose her instead.

    In fact, in the previous episode, Yukiteru’s idealistic beliefs should have gotten them both killed from the gas alone.

    • I like how you actually pointed out about being practical and an idealist. It never really crossed my mind and kept on thinking that it’s just some crazy romance love with contradicting opinions and thoughts.

      I completely agree at what you’re saying, especially on Yuki’s bad understandings at many things that leads to his idealistic beliefs. In fact, he has been betrayed once, and now he’s betrayed twice. I don’t know where Yuki is going to go to now. Yuki might only seek shelter on his most trusted person, the stalker Yuno. It was quite understandable how he got betrayed for the second time since he finally found friends in his new school, but this time, wow, I feel so sorry for him beyond my usual pity looks and appearances. He might have to completely change his thoughts and the like to being the same with Yuno.

      With regards to the previous episode, even if I were on the shoes of Yuki, I would’ve gone for the kill. It’s quite reasonable, and besides, he’ll disappear once they find his diary. I’d like them to see whether the blood will be left in the scene, despite destroying the diary. It’s one of the few things that I’ve always wanted to happen.

      Also, I appreciate the comment. I’m kind off a bit insecure about not having anyone comment on the post whether it’s good or bad. I’m doing this as well to see if there will be some improvement in my grammar.

      • Yes, I believe the tension between Yukiteru & Yuno is the best thing about this show.

        Yukiteru’s desires to be an idealist is doomed to failure: he lacks the character or conviction to become one, and he’s in the wrong world where Yuno’s cynical & paranoid intuitions are necessary for survival.

        Now along comes a monkey wrench in Akise Aru, who is the diametrical opposite of Yuno: rational, calculating, kind.

        As a blogger, most people who comment rarely say anything about it being good or bad, unless it confirms their pre-existing beliefs or not.

        I believe writing alone will automatically improve your grammar, and exposing it to the public will force you to write in a certain way. Just keep writing and read other bloggers – maybe find a writer you like and pay attention to how he conveys the information.
