Spring 2013 First Impressions: Part 5


Very short plot: three girls in comedy.

I wasn’t so sure what I was in for this show when I saw the blonde girl having weird chibi face on a seemingly normal teen body. Now that I’ve seen the first episode, I think it’s fun enough to see them. Maybe I was allured by the yuri scenes, but nevertheless, it was simply a fun-fun show.

Potential: Weak
Will I continue watching it? Most probably.

Kakumeiki Valvrave

High school student pilots a humanoid robot in the distant future.

It’s the typical teen drama of dying love turns to revenge, and it then so happens that the lead starts learning absurdly fast in learning how to use such complex robot (and so if we get even any explanations, it’s got to be either weak or lazy just to keep up with the lead being a high school student). The animation was good as well, nothing well worth saying it was bad. Mecha anime is always cool, and I like to keep my stereotyped image of it that way.

After-ED scene made me think twice about this show. A vampire-turned robot driver? It was like this show told me to think again.

Potential: Strong (Sounds a bit ironic considering what I said)
Will I continue watching it? I got to. (I mean, vampires? X-mark in the forehead?)

Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko

The perverted lead turns into a very frank and tactless pervert after praying to the stone cat, causing a catastrophe in his life. He’s in the progress of gaining his PR back.

I prefer shows like this than straight-off moe and perverting. It’s kind of more “morale” watching this comedy pervert than actually watching something in the borderline of p***. Also, I kind of like the choice of art for this types of show – so anime.

Potential: Weak
Will I continue watching it? Maybe. (I had fun, actually)

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S

The adventures of three girl-espers.

I think it would be inappropriate to make out the plot synopsis without actually watching the previous season, but I have to say, this is an eye-opening one for me. I’ve gotta watch this show, and I’ll have to give it a shot to actually appreciate this one.

I’ve always admired the concept of espers. The characters and their fluidity weren’t also a letdown.

Potential: Strong
Will I continue watching it? Definitely, but after I’ve watched the previous season.