Spring 2013 First Impressions: Part 1

I’ll be frank: it was torture watching every single anime show as it always is. My passion for anime may have started to fall apart as my days are numbered when I step in a whole new different field in my life. I refuse to waste my time when I find something isn’t entertaining, but nevertheless, reviving this blog as is has always been my goal beyond, so I’ll endure the 20 minutes of watching shows unbearable for a first episode. I’ll try to keep this blog alive (again, as I’ve always tried to promise myself that), and to start it off, let’s go with my first impression in the first four anime shows I’ve chosen with medium expectations. (On a sidenote, I’ll start cleaning this blog after I’m finish with the first impressions in Spring 2013.)

Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge

Hard to understand this show, really. It’s, well, romance between two cursed people – one with hair that can never be cut off and one with a knife which was used to seemingly murder people. At least that’s what the first episode showed us. The ending had tried to grab my tastes back with a short scene depicting that there’s more to that, and they’re probably after the Hair Queen, but unfortunately, ti failed to grab me there.

The first episode was very poor. This may be because I did not intend to read the plot synopsis and give the first episode a try that I have reached to such conclusion. The entire show may be better if what I’ve further read in the plot synopsis will happen. A shorter plot synopsis for the whole anime: The Hair Queen is against people who seek her death as part of a century-old game that rewards the murderer for freedom and power.

I had to endure the thought that calling the girl Hair Queen and the romance that, by the beginning, has started to break apart thanks to the caused by a number of people. The two people, who are caretakers of the Hair Queen, are people already messed up in their ways. They’re not very admirable unless you have some bias towards their personality. The lead character is worse, I can’t seem to like him.

Potential: Poor (Slightly better if you have read the plot synopsis for the whole anime and not just the poorly-directed first episode)
Will I continue to watch it? Maybe. (But only if I have nothing else to do because I honestly think it isn’t worth the time)


The poster, or at least the image I had seen as reference to the show, was too bright and considering that there were five people in it, four of which are men, it was, from my first impression, that it had to do with harem or yaoi or the typical romance where most of the guys chase one girl. Too many bishounen? I guess girls would scream for their beauty.

Continuing… the first episode was fairly well done. I guess they can’t contain all the possible character development in one episode, but it was all too weird watching a show knowing too little of them. I know, I know, the mystery around these characters are suppose to coat the atmosphere that entices the viewer to keep watching the show, but I think they’ve left too many things behind. Perhaps they had taken the direction into showing action, and I think it was great. With weird-but-awesome people, magic, and some guy who wants to get hold of someone with superhuman hearing power, yes, I’m in for this show because there should be more than just what I’ve said.

Potential: Strong
Will I continue to watch it? Definitely.

Hataraku Maou-sama!

This was one show I was glad I never read the plot synopsis to keep my reaction pure and this has to do with the entire story. On a fantasy-set world, the Demon Lord tries to conquer the world, the Hero and team counter-attacks, and the Demon Lord is forced to retreat. The Demon Lord, in order to perhaps make a good recovery, transferred to a different world, or maybe a dimension, and ends up in the modern-day Tokyo. This is where the interesting adventure begins, and this may be the reason why I was just attracted to this show.

Before I say something about the first episode, there was an anime of similar premise where they begin with the typical Hero winning but further continue the story differently and in a better sense. I absolutely love it more, even if action would be foreign to the show. It seems to have been overused already since one anime after the other has started this sort of trend or adaption, but it’s always interesting to see what’s next with these sorts of plot.

There’s perhaps nothing I could say about the first episode in particular. Umm… well, I did like the action, the quick presentation of the prologue (which is the Hero winning against the Dark Lord), and their animation (body appearance, in general, because for some reason it is to my taste). The ending also had me go for the next episode immediately.

Potential: Decent
Will I continue to watch it? Definitely.

Ginga Kikoutai Majestic Prince

Uh, well, I was so sure about this one being good with a mecha-themed action anime, but I wasn’t so sure what I was in for when I forgot what the poster/image reference looked like. What may have topped my doubt that this would be a good anime was the title. I mean, seriously, Majestic Prince? What’s up with that.

Though it does become reasonable in the first episode, I think it’s fine, now that I’ve gone past the first episode. What may have turned me off a bit were the personalities of the lead characters. They were too different, too weird, or simply too awkward. The appeal was poor to me, though some may find it funny, comedic, or natural, I may have found myself too inclined with serious characters. Uh, well, they’re suppose to suck and I guess that’s the point, but hey, the cinematography of this show had me going. The splitting of characters appearance in one scene was a plus for me. Something unique but natural at the same time really goes well for my taste. Much as the action has satisfied me, I’m looking forward to what’s next.

Potential: Decent
Will I continue to watch it? Definitely.