Indefinite Hiatus

This has forever and always been a problem for a new blogger like me. I will never get to maintain this blog due to my college classes. Moreover, someone in our family passed away. I would have to triple my efforts in real life, ergo, no time for blogging. I hope I’ll be back on track, and I hope you guys are in better shoes than I am. Ciao!

WIM Series

Gotta catch ’em all! All those wasted time!

With my constant and unbreakable habit of unanticipated disappearances, it is time to put some effort to stop my poor habit. The What I Missed is a series of posts that contains reviews of anime or manga from the past few weeks or months left un-reviewed. To challenge myself, if I regularly do this a month, I will delete this blog and all my hopes in analysis in creative writing or directing and simple reviewing. Although this may be tarnishing my very own plans, this is becoming a hindrance without proper support of the author, himself.

Here goes nothing!

Blogging Truly Isn’t My Thing (For Now)

It’s a huge hurdle – time managing. I’ve been too busy with so many things, I’ve lost track in watching anime, reading manga, and everything else that just had to do with my obsession with Japan.

I’ll keep this post short. I’m going to leave this blog inactive (again), but this time with a notice – though just now, after weeks. College life isn’t going to be easy either, but I’ll see what I can do with my vacant time and hey, I might learn Japanese and understand raw anime through and through.

Ciao. :)

A toast to my first post!

A Toast!

(Image Courtesy of kupo707) Ah, blogging. I would have never thought I would stumble on this word ever again since I became a third year student. Life in school hasn’t been easy. School work the whole day from Mondays to Fridays, and I’m not even running for an honour role! Then there’s Saturdays that you just have to be busy with school-related activities, also includes going to school – the whole day! Well, that’s better than doing nothing, but I do prefer blogging over such activities. I never found school works to be reasonable these days. Almost like for the sake of something to write in the class record.

Now parting myself from my pissed off side, it’s cheers to my first post! Blogging is something I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve been doing it many times now, but I see that the effort I put in it is never enough, most likely because majority of things never interest me. Three or four times, attempting to actually start an anime/manga blog and do it in the long run. Sadly, I never have the time to tend to it. It’s either I’m not interested in blogging (I am interested in blogging, but not in anime/manga blogging, probably), or school’s keeping me busy.

Nothing much to say now but blog all the way!