Spring 2013 First Impressions: Part 4

Suisei no Gargantia

The lead character is part of the Human Galactic Alliance. After fighting all-out against aliens they call “Hideous,” he is soon separated from the ship and falls to earth.

A very interesting plot and a strong contender for one the best anime this season. This is a must-watch. The graphics are fine; I just like mecha that much. It doesn’t fall under the common stories where the lead would go into war such that, for this case, he goes outside the war and falls in a seemingly forgotten planet (as such, humans originated from this planet). The buildup should be very good most especially as to how he could go back to the Alliance, or the Alliance may find him.

Potential: Strong
Will I continue watching it? Definitely.


The protagonist becomes a part of the Mushibugyou with all the potential he has and other common ideas you could wrap up in a story.

Honestly not very satisfying if you’re up for the story, but the action is well worth the watch. The opening theme song seemed so misleading about the character designs. In fact, I was happy they didn’t choose that toony type of art.

Potential: Fine
Will I continue watching it? Maybe.

Arata Kangatari

Just as the Arata is in a dire situation of being accused in killing the maiden, the Arata from Earth and the Arata from who-knows-where have their places swapped.

Interesting story, poor development. The story was nice; they could work around it, but it was very disappointing that it became so weak despite the bricks they could start building with it. It’s well worth a chance to watch it, but surely this can’t be well-prioritized.

Potential: Would-be Strong
Will I continue watching it? Maybe.


Not sure what to make of this 5-minute comedy, but, err, I’m not going to expect much. Five minutes can’t hurt anyway, so I’ll just go ahead and watch this without any feel of criticizing it.

Potential: Weak
Will I continue watching it? Yes. (Because 5 minutes can’t hurt.)
