Hunter x Hunter 337 – Oh, the Drawing

Hunter x Hunter - Chapter 337

I pity Gon being his son.

It was a bit awkward to find Hunter x Hunter with a narration from a character which we all find “new” because either he’s newly-introduced or we just haven’t seen him. I can’t really tell what type of animal he possesses, but it seems like he’s a koala. It’s kind of cute and a bit surprising to encounter a koala again in a manga because my love for koala, which started when I was in grade school, has never seem to completely disappear at all.

Honestly, I found this koala a bit creepy. It was even all too weird to find them talking with this red haired girl. I could understand that he’s a chimera ant or whatever, but the creepy part was how they put up some drama behind it all to later introduce Kaito.

Later after he talks with the koala, whose name I know not, Gon barges in and appears before Kaito. I’d think this part was a good way to shape up the characters more and clear up a few things before tackling a new arc, but what somehow bothers me the most is how it would have been more dramatic in a way if the drawing didn’t suddenly changed from a well-drawn manga with effort to a doodle-like creation. Well, I’m in no position to complain, but it would be nice to know what’s happening with the mangaka lately to at least understand this. Research? Possibly, but I guess the one-year hiatus wasn’t enough.

When Kaito’s conversation with Gon ends with Kaito telling Gon to go back to see Ging, it was funny to see how Gon’s going to meet him in search… again. Oh, what a great father.


★★★☆☆ – Nothing fascinating occurred here, but it is much appreciated how things went through. The drawing was terrible, but nevertheless, this is Hunter x Hunter, it is no surprise to everyone especially the fans who have known his instability for so long.
