Mirai Nikki – Volume 8

The Lost Gasai Yuno

What the-?!

We have finally reached the climax, and I can’t just believe that things are turning out to be this way.

The volume starts out by reintroducing the beautiful, cute, and really intelligent Gasai Yuno. But what lies inside this is the truth behind the two corpses. It seems that Yuno has strict parents, that when she goes back home past the curfew, she gets caged in as though he’s some masochistic pig. Because of that, she takes her revenge by putting her parents in the cage for them to experience the same thing she went through, but when her mind was intensified by her mother saying she’s a devil child, she just went mad and the killing wasn’t really expected.

Back to the present, Yuki isn’t doing well and he’s going mad after the loss of her mother. He starts putting her mother’s pictures in the living room (or maybe her room). With that, he confronts Deus if it would be possible to revive her mother. However, even if Deus wants to, he can’t because he doesn’t have the power to change the “Cause and Effect” Law as he is growing old. Doing this will result to the death of the entire world. Now, he’s left with only one choice: to win the game and become a god.

Surprisingly, back at the house, her father shows up in their house without any shame at all. The next day, Yuki tracks his father and later surprised by what he sees: a telescope used for stargazing. His father believes that with that, he wouldn’t regret anymore, but after all this time, I firmly believe that things aren’t just that. I still believe that it’s a plan his father came up using Yuki, who has a strong power to predict the future. They both come to see themselves as father & son and once again, enjoy their time together. Suddenly, a man runs towards his father and stabs him in the chest. His father dies; Yuki left all alone. Strange people start to attack the helpless child, but as one of them approaches too close, Yuki makes his counterattack by stabbing them. With the use of his Future Diary, he uses the enemies approaching him as human shields and makes it an easy way to navigate his darts. For the last person holding a gun, Yuno, with all hope that she would come or Yuki would die, cuts the last person’s head off like some piece of doll. Yuno puts some sense into Yuki who has seemingly lost his mind.

Five days later, in the Sakurami City Hall, the Mayor Bax John makes his appearance and convinces the congressmen to destroy Mother House. Originally, it’s an idea meant to be rejected, but then, being the Eleventh Future Diary User, he persuades everyone.

The Changing Awesomeness of Yuki and the Seductive Yuno

Hot Yuno. Lucky Yuki.

After that, Deus calls everyone again in the Law of Casualty Cathedral (I’m following the manga’s translations, so I have no idea what the room is really called) without the First and Second. The Eleventh, after gaining an advantage against the Eighth, proposes to drop First and Second to the Survival Game because they have disappeared for five days without even appearing in the said room. As Deus makes his word on making them disappear, the First makes his appearance with the Second in a really cool fashion. Their appearance is grand, and the speech was well-made as well. In fact, I think it’s fantastic! Revealing the identity of the Eleventh, it really does makes things easy for them to go with the flow. With that, the left Five Future Diary Users are revealed, which will perhaps make its grand ending soon: 11th Mayor John, 9th Minene, 8th Kamado, 2nd Yuno, and 1st Yuki.

As the meeting has ended, they all disappear back to their room. Funny, really, how Yuki and Yuno got excited after the really cool appearance. It was something out of the blue, and it really proved to be a strong point in the show. What’s more interesting is how Yuki just goes back to being his childish self after that really, really, reeeeally cool and mature speech. A really funny pair.

As for the situation of Nishijima and Minene, it’s all going interesting in itself. Nishijima gives her the news that he’s going to the bodyguard of the Eleventh, but Minene just laughs it all out that it would be an easy win for the Future Diary Users. However, things won’t be just as easy as it is and has been before. Nishijima has now have second-thoughts as to which side he belongs: the Future Diary Users whose intentions are to kill the Eleventh, or on the Eleventh’s side and to keep him safe and protected from the predictors?

Meanwhile, Akise makes the confirmation with the DNA on who it belongs to in the Misaka Children Orphanage. After successfully pretending to be a close friend of Yuno, he gets the “thing” from the owner of the orphanage.

As for the Future Diary Users, the First, Second, and Eighth make a temporary alliance to take down the Eleventh’s head. With that, it’ll be an easy win for them but that doesn’t seem to be the case. As the plans have been put to action, they attack the car that passed their direction and start trying to kill Eleventh. However, Eleventh has already prepared a jammer to shut down their propagating cellphone diaries, but it doesn’t end there, the First and Second puts into action their own plan of betrayal of the Eighth.

With the last followers of the Eighth dying, Eighth gets warned by the last follower standing. She flees and gets in the car of the Eleventh, who also has Nishijima inside. The First and Second follow them and successfully corners them. They could have easily taken their lives, but Minene and Akise makes a surprising appearance while riding on a motorcycle. That is when the truth behind Gasai Yuno is revealed. The thing inside the given box actually contains the umbilical cord of Yuno. Incidentally, its DNA is a perfect match to the DNA of the third corpse. We can, unbelievably, therefore conclude that the third corpse is the real Gasai Yuno, making the Yuno beside Yuki, the very person who he’s holding hands with, an impostor!

I didn’t want things to turn out this way. This is about the third or fourth time they have separated from each other! Don’t both of them have some sort of grudging feelings for each other?! Or is Yuki even as obsessed and as psychopathic as Yuno? I don’t get this people anymore. The last time you feel that they won’t get back together, they eventually do. Now, the situation is worse because the impostor Yuno has been living a lie and has always lied to Yuki. What will happen to this relationship that has become sturdier and stronger?

Knowing that she is an impostor, it is now time to look back at the many things about Yuno. First, the time when Yuki asked Yuno about why she loves him. The answer was a bit surprising that it was simply because of the test thing, and it seems like that isn’t the only reason why she likes Yuki because at the end of their conversation, she says it’s a secret. Now, if we connect the “What do you want to be in the future?” test, it would considerably be a confusing situation. That is the second problem. So, if we take into account the fact that the real Yuno killed her parents and that she, too, is obsessed with Yuki, then it still fits together with the impostor Yuno, which makes things harder to distinguish from. Plus, the real Yuno claims that a week ago, she was the one who proposed about getting married, now if that were the case, then the parents-murder comes as the next event. If we put the impostor Yuno after those events, then it still gives me the confusion on how the impostor knows about the test thing. Could it be that the impostor Yuno has also been stalking him, which in turn made the impostor know about that? As for the last one, it would be her parents’ skulls. She did brought the skulls when she was holding Yuki captive, but what does that mean? Is she really obsessed with being Yuno that she goes overboard to actually bring those skulls of the person she’s pretending to be?

If this is the real thing, it just instantly adds questions into your head, making you wonder what happened to this and that, who really did those, and when did the real Yuno die. The next volume might uncover a lot of things, but I feel that the pressure of the sadness within Yuki is now beyond the limit. I don’t know what they will take, especially Yuki who has disappeared with Yuno for five days. I want to see whether Yuki will completely change to a new person because of this, or accept and love the impostor Yuno. The sadness and the destruction for everything is just too great. This twist, it’s too much for us, let alone for them to handle.
