Mirai Nikki – Volume 6

Deus ex Machine

He's just like... a god. Uh, wait, he is.

It’s great to see Deus again with that chibi. I was happy enough that my predictions and thoughts weren’t as far as it is because Muru Muru messed with some things. It was later revealed that the time of death for his son would be known to the Fourth later on. Because of that, Muru Muru made him sign his death contract and got killed to hurry things. Honestly, I also think that he was a balancer for them. Yuki and Yuno would have done perfectly well if he was still there – the alliance, the plans, the police-related issues, almost everything! I’m quite sure he’s also one of the people who prevents the conflicts between Yuki and Yuno, which is why I think his loss is a huge loss as the “balance of the game.” In the later parts of the manga, Deus and Muru bet on who the winners would be. Muru bets on the Second, and Deus keeps on betting on his original favorite, First.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Akise asks his three friends to join them in a trip. They’re Hinata, Mao, and Kousaka. They meet up with police Nishijima and ask for their help to rescue Yuki, who seems to be held captive by Yuno. I never really wanted to believe that Yuki would be captured by Yuno, and be chained. It never really occurred to me – or I never really wanted it to cross my mind – that something like this would happen. As the story goes on, all I could do is hope that things aren’t like this or Yuki would be finished.

They split into two groups, and Hinata receives a message at the room where Yuki is held. I feel that Hinata is stupid enough not to notice the same thing Akise did. I mean, even someone like me, would really think the possibility that it could be a fake message from Yuno. While the three of them are left, they receive a message from Hinata to go ahead at the said room while Yuno is chasing her. It was quite easy to think that this wouldn’t be possible. Well, if I were chased by a madman, sending a text message would be the last thing I’d do when I find a safe place to hide. Besides, it was a bit long (for the English, that is), and I think I wouldn’t be able to type like that calmly with the things going around with a psychopath.

As a result, they all get trapped in a room where concrete is pouring down. They only have 30 minutes to escape the said room and survive. Also, about the mannequin in the room, I actually imagined that Yuki would be somehow the mastermind behind it all, that he was controlling Yuno. I don’t know why, but it just made me think that way. But when I saw the chained Yuki, all I could think was, “Would Yuki even have the guts to do what I thought?” It felt a bit stupid for me to really think like that, and I don’t know about Yuki, but I think he can also put some mind into Yuno. Like, err, put some logic into what she’s doing.

Akise tries to make out a deal with Yuno, using the knowledge he found out about two headless corpses and the whole corpse. As they lose hope, Kousaka finally writes his final words in his diary, but gets his ranked promoted to “Diary Holder.” With his obtained future diary, Kousaka manages to go to the room where Yuno, Yuki, and Hinata are.

Yuno makes a deal to give him the two keys. First, she throws out the key to have them released, and second, he leaves the key to unlock the chains around Yuki’s limbs. With that, she buys some time to take out her crossbow and hit Kousaka with it. However, right after Kousaka gets hit, Yuki manages to get out of the chains and slaps the stupidity of Yuno out of it. He releases Hinata, and they all go out while he leaves a message the last thing Yuno wants to hear. But Yuno hasn’t lost her hope. She continues to believe that they will have a happy ending, that it’s her duty to protect Yuki from the other Future Diary Holders. All Yuki can do is be afraid, and lock everything in his house. He has no choice, but to follow that advice he got from Akise. Unexpectedly, while he’s in his room covered with a blanket, he receives a message from Deus ex Machine, wherein if he can answer the three questions, he’ll be taken to the Realm of Cause and Effect to get an explanation of some sort. I’m assuming it’s all about the 8th, but it feels like some sort of favoritism to me. Oh, you Lord of Time & Space.

Somewhere in the middle, it is later revealed who the Eighth Diary User is. She’s like the most… Oh, I can’t even put it into words. I mean, seriously? Have you really seen a huge chibi-like person whose height is around 160cm or more? Who’s also huge and takes care of the garden? Awesome? Well, regardless, she is the Eighth Diary Holder, Ueshita Kamado, the source of the sub-Future Diaries.

The day after Yuki gets the message, he meets up with his four friends. He tells them about the message, and abruptly breaks his phone. As expected, although the phone is broken, he doesn’t disappear like the Original Users. In the middle of the discussion, there’s a sudden change for the diary. In three days, the enemies will appear to kill them. They’ve started setting up for everything, but it was quite scary when Yuki was trying to fish out some information from her mother whether she knew about the warrant of arrest or not. Creepily, there’s another set of meal for the other side, and I was – hoo, for the love of God – that Yuno wasn’t there. But then, the author pulls it off that Yuki’s having an imagination about Yuno being there. I think it’s safe to believe that she is around there somewhere. Stalkers never give up, you know.

The next day, they go into Kousaka’s house, and go ahead with the plans, but things aren’t going as it is. A blackout appears, and Yuno makes his sudden appearance as well. I was reassured that Yuno appeared, but at the same time, scared that if I were Yuki, I might be digging my own grave. But with a mind like Yuno’s, I guess it doesn’t really matter if she loses her life as long as she saves Yuki. In a quick plan, Akise and Kousaka move in to the tower to stop the antenna tower manually. They leave the three of them behind… with Yuno. They call Yuno in as they obviously really need some psychopath manpower, but for safety measures, they tie up her hands. As the enemies have infiltrated the house, they move in fast to hide. However, while doing so, Hinata’s hit by daggers in the arms thrice and in her waist, twice. Mao is also hit at the back. The girl makes her last hit with the dagger onto Yuno, but she amazingly knocks it down. They go into hiding for a while, leaving Hinata and Mao with the enemies. While in there, even if it were just for a few minutes, Yuki struggles hard on what to do with Yuno’s ropes. He, then, realizes that he really needs Yuno, especially when they’re being cornered. Akise also stopped the tower, but their assailants seem to be confident, as they are the Seventh Diary Holders, Mikami Ai and Ikusaba Marco, holding the Exchange Diary.

As always, Mirai Nikki has never ceased to amaze me with who the people are, what things they hold, and how things will end up. For the next volume? I can only pray that they win it somehow. Plus, the Exchange Diary is quite amusing itself. If they really are the Seventh Diary Users, which I still am having doubts of, then they must really be great people, or could the girl just be some impostor?

Also, the relationship between Yuki and Yuno has finally been scarred. I never really expected it to happen like this so soon. I was thinking it would be some sort of drama in the end, but I guess Mirai Nikki will add more great ideas in the end. But what’s more surprising is the fact that Hinata, Mao, and Kousaka still keep sticking their noses into other people’s business. Sure, Akise is doing it as well, but it’s understandable enough that detective’s are nosy people, and people like him will never stop butting into other people’s business. But it just amazes me that the other three are like living lives for them. The risk they’re taking is huge, and now that they’ve tasted the pain, I wonder what option and turn they would choose next.

But whatever the case may be, they’re starting to lose control of it.
