Nurarihyon no Mago: Sennen Makyou – 01-20

Rikuo's Night Parade of Hundred Demons

He. Is. Awesome.

Spoiler alert!

The difference in the development of this season from the previous season is honestly far too great. I treated the first season as something as stupid as a small kid’s show, having never liked the ending and how things turned out. The characters were badly developed, that even the Strike Team Leaders of the Nura Clan felt something terrible for me. They looked weak and frail no matter how much they mention and claim that they are one of the most powerful clan. We only get to see the stories of Nura Rikuo, rarely being able to see a glimpse and feel of the other characters which had a good potential of being much, more interesting than the weak protagonist. As a result, I had doubts of watching the second season, and it kept me from being filled with them because it suddenly got hyped in our school. Because of the popularity, I just went ahead and watched the show. Besides, we have a week long break, might as well kill some time before I find something really worthy to do. (Also, my cat is sitting on my lap right now. I feel randomly awesome.)

The first episode was no different from the overall feeling of the first season. It didn’t feel any different with Nurarihyon no Mago trying to be a bit mysterious about the first scene of death. It was also almost a good refreshing feeling after being able to know what Nura’s childhood was like and how he started turning to be the man he is now. The first season also had that “good refreshing feeling,” but I’m hoping that my expectations for this show won’t fail. The first season got 26 episodes. I’m quite sure it’s popular enough to get the same number of episode titles at the second season. Normally, it’d go down to 12 or 13 and after that, start showing OVA. For Nurarihyon no Mago, well, I guess there’s a lot to expect here despite my disappointment in the first one.

The development of the show was going good being able to see Rikuo and Yura being the stars of the first half of the season. There wasn’t much character development for Rikuo here, but I’m surprised at the fact that Yura’s character was going strong and being fleshed out really well. She was more like a hindrance in the first season, so I was quite happy that Yura is (assuming I’ve only watched half of the show) either going to leave the story for good and become some sort of damsel in distress with her relation to the brother who has an ugly attitude or become a part of history and a hero. Rikuo also seemed like he had a long way to go, right after he failed his fight with Kekain Ryuji completely. Sure, Rikuo had the chance to kill the onmyoji, but I guess killing humans isn’t his thing at all. That being said, Rikuo technically won and the onmyoji is just a god damn coward-liar.

Nura Rikuo and Yuki-onna Tsurara in 'Equip'

This one's cool.

After that, we get to shape up everything with the main antagonist of the entire story, the Hagoromo Gitsune. I was quite sure that they would take things easily and finish it off interestingly fast in one episode after the recap episode, but no, they’re going to take their time finishing the story together with the character developments we were all hoping for:

  • Yuki-onna Tsurara didn’t show much part in it, but it was really good enough to see how she’s still a kid. The maintenance of that personality is good enough for me.
  • Aotabou and Kurotabou really did themselves well to introduce the appearing interesting characters, Ryuji and Mamiru. Other than that, Aotabou’s past was a good insert to the thrill and excitement for the upcoming battle in the castle. Honestly, I still think it’s a bit – err, cliché, but I found it a bit dramatic and a great way to compose the thoughts of the almost-lost-self Aotabou.
  • Kubinashi and Kejourou were my favorite, though. Of all the characters, other than the main protagonists, I’d have to say they were the ones mostly emphasized and fleshed out. How Kubinashi was a bandit, lost his self in revenge for many things, and many more. Then we have Kejourou, almost his love of his life. It was a long time since we saw the hair power of that lady, but I admit that it was great making it a rarity in terms of appearance. Because of the drama mixed up, I can certainly say that it was a good insertion of character backgrounds. Even so, it was much more fascinating to know how these characters were actually partners-in-crime, being offensive and defensive together. Oh, and their sort of romance fits to my type as well. :p
  • There’s also one thing we shouldn’t miss out, the Tono members! Definitely, DEFINITELY, Itaku’s the best one in their group, which is composed of Amezou (Kappa), Awashima (Man-to-Woman o.O), Reira (Yuki-onna), Yukari (???), and Dohiko (Monkey Guy). The appearance for the new characters was just great. I was really getting tired seeing the same faces over and over again. Well, in fact, at this point, this is where Nurarihyon no Mago took back its place as an amazing shounen manga. If they keep this up in the next arc, well, I’m looking forward to it! The second season hasn’t let me down!
The Death of Harogomo Gitsune in Nurarihyon's Age

Split. Head. Is. Awesome.

Sadly, though, there were times when the fighting scenes just don’t work together. Sometimes, it just became so terrible, but at the good fights, we get to see them animated really well and being worth the watch. Even though I’m watching a subbed show, it’s honestly that obvious even if I were reading the subtitles. I’d usually be deceived by it, like when I watched Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, but I became frankly wrong here. The production of this show isn’t really as good as I want it to be, not as fluid and smooth as I want it to be, but I honestly find it that the production was good enough to keep some things eye candy. But let’s face it, the blood was a good point for this show. There wasn’t much in the previous season, same with the fights, so I’m quite happy seeing some crushing and destruction in a show that has huge potential.

Looking back, I really did enjoy the show, and from the first episode, it started getting stronger and stronger, making the plot more interesting and really powerful at the same time. There were quite a few yokai that were interesting (like that torii-obsessed Nijunanamen Senju Mukade), some were just full of power (like the godly Tsuchigumo), and some are just yokai who are plain awesome (like Nura Rikuo’s gang). Honestly, at the first few parts of the episode, I thought I was going to sleep through it. But right after the recap episode, wow, I just can’t wait for what’s next. The story may seem like it makes everything the end of the world, but they still put the ‘training’ parts going well for them. I can’t really put it into words, but it felt unusual and good at the same time. Things were just great, that’s for sure.

As for the final episode we got, episode 20, I guess the battle has started in Nijo Castle, and Nue’s past has been unraveled. Nurarihyon has unusually started making me surprised at two things: the concept of Fear, which I didn’t expect this show to have, and Nue, who actually lived before. I have nothing to say about the concept of Fear, except that it’s good simple nature, but for Nue? Wow! It was just splendid! I like how they revealed who Nue really is, the type of onmyoji he was. The cliché for an enemy being one of the good guys and turning out to be one of the most evil and hated of all, is still all good. The past was too short and seemed too fast-paced that it felt like it left only showing the loopholes of a flawed human. They could put up something better than that, but hey, I won’t complain now seeing as the preview seems like the fight will begin. If Nue will also be brought to this world, well that just makes things better for the audience’s interest and the one thing I am most interested at, the real power of Rikuo.

We will get to see everything about how the labor turns out and how the fight really proves to be worthy at the next episode. And hopefully, a few episodes from now, we will have a grand ending, be it a cliffhanger or not. Honestly, I think Nurarihyon no Mago’s second season has outdone itself, and I hope it’ll prove itself to be more worthy than it currently is.

Nura Rikuo and Zen in the First Appearance of Rikuo's Use in Equip

I like this part, too. But it felt weird when Zen turned unusually colored and Rikuo turned B&W. That was cool, but made my mind a bit wrong and dirty.
