Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle – 01

Phi Brain's Kaito

I watched Kaitou Kid before this show, and it felt awkward hearing Kaito a lot in this show.

Good. Everything was just good. That’s about that.

The plot felt a bit strong. For a first episode, it didn’t really made that much impact. It makes me feel that they’re somehow trying hard to keep up with some sort of pace they’re basing on, but they just can’t fully do it well. They left a lot of things behind. Of course, that’s normal for a first episode, but they left too much. Sure, I’m interested in knowing what would happen next, especially the promise & the flashbacks, or perhaps the relationship with the girl he’s always with. But that’s about that. I don’t know what direction they’re taking on. It’s like they’re blindingly taking on puzzles to “free them,” and… well, I just want to know who’s he going to be up against with after attaining the Phi Brain. It might come up with the next few episodes, so I’ll just let my nitpicking attitude pass for now, and continue to watch this show and see if my interests will still remain at its peak.

The art, however, I can’t seemingly bear how terrible they drew their characters. There are times when the anatomical structure is done unusually or perhaps just need some bits of improvements. It’s quite bothering at times, especially with the black slashes in their cheeks. I don’t know what they’re portraying with it, probably how immature the main character is, or whatever it could be, I hope they’d just stop that. Sometimes, it’s just quite bothering. Honestly, I think the main character’s good looking, also matched with her cool friend Nonoha. So, all I can say is that, I hope they drop that off. Seeing as they might not, I’ll just see if I can bear with it. On the bright side, they did do well at portraying the puzzles most especially the details in complexity of the pick-the-right-rope puzzle.

As for the opening theme song, it’s as terrible as the art. There are parts that are good, there are parts that are just terrible. Pop songs aren’t to my taste, same with techno, so they really seem terrible. Sure, I like some songs with the sort, but not this one. I listen to all types of songs, but the opening is just terrible. The ending was great, though. Makes me feel the fun I had watching it, how enjoyable it is, and also, it makes me feel nostalgic with Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE.

And for the end result: how enjoyable it is. I say, undeniably good. I have to say that it is worth my time watching this show. I didn’t even cared when it would finish and how it would. I just wanted to see how it would end, how interesting it had come up, and how it will be more entertaining in the next episodes.

Overall, great. What brought it down was the art for the characters and the opening theme song. Without those terrible things, it will be as good as it is, and we will only be left at criticizing the plot. The pacing for this episode was normal, and I hope they keep it fast paced. I’m not a really impatient person, but I want to make myself rushed and interested at the same time. Not just plain interested, like what this episode showed me.

Phi Brain

This contract thingy is awesome but too shiny at times.
