Fairy Tail 257 – Everything Will Be Back to Normal

Lucy's Tears


I guess this chapter is all about accepting the loss of a parent. Thing is, I completely understand what they feel. Sometimes, hearing them talk about their father as some being that should be gone, it pains you even more, having lost a father and regretted many things. What hurts me in my part is that I lost my mom, and they all talk about their mom as some stupid monster. They’d always say how terrible she is, how she pisses them off, and how she’s so overprotective. I’ve lost a mother, and it feels like I’ve understood everything why she does it. You can’t blame them, they’re just being a mother. It also pains me, as much as Lucy is. Coincidentally, when I heard my mother die, I never teared up when I first heard it. The feeling was more like the-world-is-coming-down-with-a-loss. For Lucy’s case, it probably hurts me. Haven’t seeing each other for 7 years? I can’t survive that, I’d feel a lot of pain and my mind would start swirling on its own.

On the next parts of the manga, Twilight Ogre fucking goes down. Master negotiated with the Master of Twilight Ogre. Seeing as they aren’t staying true to what they’re saying, they’re going to get pwned by the S-class members, Erza & Mirajane. Honestly, I think they deserve more than the kickass they’re receiving. The Master said it well, for 7 years of making “his children” cry? Ha, fuck you Twilight Ogre!

Natsu happens to pass by while the ruckus is happening. Depressed and affected by Lucy’s pains, he ignores everything, and does nothing. Quite unbelievable, but quite sad as well.

Back to Lucy, the landlady finally finds Lucy and drags her leg towards her apartment. In the apartment, that’s where Lucy realizes everything once again. When she was a kid, her father would always forget her birthday, always a busybody, never having time for a great daughter like her. When her father heard that she disappeared, he started sending gifts on the same day as her birthday, every year. Today, she was given a gift and a letter. And Lucy cried, finally realizing that she loves his father as much as his father has now loved her.

It pains me, too, to hear something like that. And Natsu, damn that Natsu. He’s just always there for her. It’s definitely one hell of a great friendship they have.

Everything in this chapter is good. A good sign for a shounen manga made up of friendship & bond. Hopefully, they’ll start telling us what has happened to the people mainly involved in Fairy Tail. I’ve even wondered how Fairy Tail has affected the world of magic. I mean, they always destroy towns while fighting, right? What now? Peace? Or has dark guilds come to be more rampant as is without them?
