Hunter x Hunter 323 – Alluka Is Mindfucking

Alluka and Killua's Meeting

That "Onii-chan" sound must be cute! And I'm still confuse as to how sincere Killua's "Alluka" is.

Hunter x Hunter is really the best manga. And no, it isn’t just some fanboyism trying to persuade you, it’s the truth. Tell me, what weekly shounen manga has the most detail when it comes to fights and powers? When it comes to their own universe, what shounen manga would actually take its time to talk more (and mindfuck people), compared to just some plain fist-fighting, endless power-gaining people? And that’s about Hunter x Hunter. It’s also the King of Hiatus, and that’s as undeniable as its awesomeness is. :p I’d like to talk about Hunter x Hunter all day long, but it’s best if I keep it at a minimum when it’s only this chapter I’m going to talk about. Continue reading…

Detective Conan – Volume 7

Ran's Suspicions

It's supposedly a love nest for the womanize Shinichi.

So, there we have it, the conclusion to the Perfect Alibi case. Now, there’s one thing I’ve noticed, are they planning to keep up with these cliffhanger endings? I’m not against it or anything, but it’s quite unusual that they’re starting to do it in volume 6 and still do it in volume 7. I don’t really care, but wow, what a nice strategy to keep the fans buying the novels with cliffhanging endings. Continue reading…

Detective Conan – Volume 6

Detective Conan

I like how he looks arrogant here with a small body in front of his very awesome and big (from his perspective) parents.

At this point, this is when I realize that Detective Conan will start dragging things out. Losing the romance and the Black Organization plot. Well, they’ll obviously have to take it back sooner or later, but I still hope the arrangement in the manga for the cases won’t be as worse as the anime. The anime’s obviously adding too much TV originals, causing things to be much, much more dragging than it should have been. I mean, it’s been there since 1994 and with all the TV originals, it’s almost just like some genius first grader is solving the crimes for the stupid detectives. Well, can’t blame the producers for it. They may be milking it, but I guess there’s a point where they’d have to collide with the manga’s production.

With all of that said, let’s focus now on the stupendous cases Conan has solved! Continue reading…

Detective Conan – Volume 5

Bandaged Man's Attack

Really, those eyes. DAMN THEM!

Maybe I’ve gone mad too much on the Shinichi x Ran thing. In the first case, they were on their own when they went through the mountain. Up until now, it’s bothering me on what conversation would they lead on? Heck, that’s not really the point of the first case; I just like to imagine these romantic things too much. Maybe I’ve watched/read too much action-adventure types. Continue reading…